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OPCO a 22 million-dollar shipbuilding contract
첨부파일 :

OPCO a 22 million-dollar shipbuilding contract


Oriental Precision & Engineering (“OPCO”) has won a 22 million-dollar deal on October 25, 2011 from Hyundai-Vinashin Shipyard Co. (“HVS”)


For the contract OPCO will build the deck house, engine room casings, and funnels in its  shipyard in Vietnam, and deliver them starting January of 2012.


As a partner company of HVS, OPCO’s Vietnamese subsidiary has been building the deck houses for all of the ships built by HVS. OPCO will work hard to deliver quality products with strict quality control and cost-efficient production, to give its clients full satisfaction.


OPCO’s Vietnamese subsidiary is located in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. The company was established back in September 2008 with the capital of 11 million dollars, and it specializes in the construction of deck houses, engine room casings, and funnels.


Photo: An OPCO-made deck house is being installed on the deck.

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