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About OPCO

The World's Leading Ship Crane Company

The Oriental Corporation is going to be a strong supporter of the shipbuilding and marine industries with the spirit of the craftsman!

We sincerely welcome your visit to the Oriental Precision & Engineering website!
It has been more than 40 years since Oriental Precision & Engineering has been with the history of Korea's shipbuilding and marine powers.
It was the Oriental spirit of Sincerity · Harmony · Trust that led to the last 40 years of Oriental Precision & Engineering.

The success wouldn't have been possible if the friends and family at OPCO gave up at the face of challenges. It wouldn't have been possible it they weren’t passionate with what they do. It wouldn't have been possible if they idly sat by as the fellow workers suffered through hardships, and it wouldn’t have been possible if the OPCO people failed to deliver the best quality products in this market. Most importantly, though, OPCO's success would have bent impossible without the support and cart from its clients.

Despite the fact that the world economy is trying to recover from the first wounds of the crisis, many specialists predict a new period of difficulties, especially now when everything Isn't growing as fast as they presumed. Recent sources indicate that the crisis will have a big effect on the shipbuilding industry, and OPCO may be facing the toughest time since it was established. However, I strongly believe that OPCO will prevail once again the men and women at OPCO know that they are the best this industry has to offer; and I know that they won't settle for anything less than the best.

To all friends and family of Oriental Precision and Engineering, and to all visitors, I would like to extend my gratitude for visiting the company's new home on the Internet; and I urge you to watch over OPCO as it reaches out to the world and into the future, and as it becomes the world's best shipbuilder.

CEO & Chairman

CEO and Chairman Sechol-Park
  • 1987. 02B.A., Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University
  • 1989. 03Starts his career at Oriental, as the manager of the company’s Technical Design La
  • 1998. 03Factory Manager, Busan Business Division
  • 2001. 08M.A., Mechanical Engineering, Busan University
  • 2005. 01Executive Manager, Overseas Business Division
  • 2008. 12Executive Officer, Management Office and Strategic Plans Division
  • 2010. 03Senior Executive Officer, Management Office and Strategic Plans Division
  • 2012. 10Vice President
  • 2014. 11CEO and President
  • 2021. 04CEO and Chairman
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